ClassNK passes 200 million gt mark

Written by Nick Blenkey

class nkMAY 30, 2012 – Classification society Nippon Kaiji Kyokai ClassNK reports that its register surged past the 200 million gross ton mark on May 28, 2012.
Founded in Tokyo in1899, ClassNK’s register has steadily accelerated over the years. ClassNK broke the 100 million gross ton mark in 1997, before becoming the world’s largest classification society in 1999. Just 10 years later, ClassNK became the first class society to exceed 150 million gross tons on its register in 2007. As of end May 2012, the ClassNK register accounts for 7,847 ships totaling 200,804,781 gross tons. As ClassNK’s register surpassed more than 190 million gross tons at the end of September 2011, some 10 million gross tons have joined the its register in just the past eight months.

According to ClassNK Chairman and President Noboru Ueda , the achievement of the 200 million gross ton milestone marks the accomplishment of one of ClassNK’s main strategic goals:

“In order to better chart our development and better respond to the needs of a changing maritime industry,” said Mr. Ueda, “ClassNK established ‘Global Approach 200i,’ our first medium-term business plan, in 2011, with the goal of breaking 200 million gross tons by the end of this year”.

”We are truly honored to have accomplished this goal within such a short period of time, and this success reflects our tremendous dedication and efforts to meet the evolving needs of the maritime industry, and ensuring safer and greener seas,” he said.

Despite the importance of this achievement, Mr. Ueda emphasized that ClassNK would not rest, adding: “Roughly 20 percent of the world’s commercial tonnage relies on ClassNK and our services, and we are committed to exceeding the expectations of the maritime industry. We will continue to dedicate ourselves to serving the industry as a whole, and providing the very best classification services, technical support and timely advice possible.”

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