Zero-emission vessels pioneer Pace Ralli joins FERRIES 2020 lineup
Written by Heather ErvinPace Ralli, cofounder of SW/TCH Maritime, which is building America’s first hydrogen fuel cell powered vessel, has joined the lineup of qualified speakers for Marine Log’s upcoming virtual FERRIES 2020 event being held November 9 and 10 from 1 to 4 p.m. EST. Ralli, an entrepreneur and impact investor in the maritime, transportation and energy sectors, will focus his presentation on the company’s zero-emission ferry project.
Ralli, who is also the co-founder of Clean Marine Energy, MidOcean Wind and partner of MidOcean Marine Partners, will address the hurdles to adoption to zero emissions technology. He will also outline the case for hydrogen as a zero emissions fuel and provide a case study of the first hydrogen fuel cell e-ferry in the United States.
He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College in 2002, and with an MBA from Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College in 2009. Ralli’s previous background ranges from corporate finance and business development to energy efficiency financing and utility renewables. Ralli and his partners saw the opportunity to unlock wide-scale emissions reductions in the maritime shipping industry. He is now broadly focused on financing the path to zero emissions shipping while advancing innovative sustainable technologies. Current project areas include clean ship fueling infrastructure, offshore wind farm installation and zero-emissions passenger transport.
- There’s no fee for registration at this virtual event, so check out the program and sign up HERE.