Search Results for: "Environmental Protection Agency"


TALKING GREEN: With Castrol’s Environmental Specialist Susannah Linington ML: Part of your job as an Environmental Specialist for the Marine and Energy Lubricants unit of BP Castrol is to keep your finger

Podcast: ABS’s Kirsi Tikka

When it comes into enforcement in August 2012, the North American Emissions Control Area (ECA), which will stretch some 200 nautical miles off of the coast of Canada and the U.S., will have a significant impact on foreign- and U.S.-flag ship operators.radio200

The implementation of the ECA means that ships entering the designated area will need to burn ultra low sulfur fuel or use an exhaust gas scrubber for the duration of their voyage that is within that area. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency expects the implementation of the ECA to drastically cut NOx, SOx and particulate matter from ship emissions.


To put it into perspective, we talked to an environmental specialist, Kirsi Tikka, Vice President of Global Technology and Business Development at ABS, one of the world’s leading classifications societies.

You can listen to what Dr. Tikka has to say BELOW:
