OSD-IMT designs new wind farm vessel range
APRIL 28, 2014 — OSD-IMT, the U.K. division of Offshore Ship Designers (OSD), has developed a range of innovative new designs of offshore wind-farm service operation vessels (SOVs). The 1,350 dwt IMT972
APRIL 28, 2014 — OSD-IMT, the U.K. division of Offshore Ship Designers (OSD), has developed a range of innovative new designs of offshore wind-farm service operation vessels (SOVs). The 1,350 dwt IMT972
AUGUST 19, 2013 — Siemens Energy has signed a chartering agreement with Danish shipowner Esvagt A/S for the two new 83.7 m offshore wind farm service vessels that the company ordered from
JUNE 26, 2013 — Classification society DNV is responding to developments that see offshore wind farms move further offshore and into deeper waters. It has DNV launched a significant revision to its