Vice Admiral Peter Daly takes helm at U.S. Naval Institute
Written byVice Admiral Peter H. Daly, U.S. Navy (Ret.) has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Naval Institute (USNI)
Admiral Daly served from August 2008 until June 2011 as Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. His more than 30 years experience as a commissioned naval officer includes command of the destroyer USS Russell (DDG 59); Commander, Destroyer Squadron 31; and Commander, Carrier Strike Group 11. He has also served as Deputy for Resources and Acquisition (J-8), Office, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and as Senior Military Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy.
Admiral Daly is a Life Member of USNI, a former member of the Institute’s Board of Directors/Editorial Board, a participant in the Institute’s seminars, and a contributor to Proceedings magazine.
Steve Waters, Chairman of the Institute’s Board of Directors, says “Admiral Pete Daly is a distinguished Naval leader who believes deeply in the Naval Institute’s uniquely important role, and he is dedicated to guiding it to a future of even greater relevance.”
“Since 1873,” he continued, “the Naval Institute has served as an independent forum advancing an understanding of Sea Power and other issues critical to national security. Pete Daly is committed to carrying the message of the importance of the Sea Services across the nation and around the world.”
Admiral Daly sent the following message:
Dear Members and Friends of the U.S. Naval Institute,
I am honored and privileged to serve as CEO of the U.S. Naval Institute – an organization my father introduced to me as a young boy through Proceedings and the many books published by the Naval Institute Press. The Naval Institute significantly and positively influenced me as a youth, as a young officer and throughout my career. In 1997 and 1998, I served as an elected member of the Naval Institute Board of Directors and as a member of the Editorial Board. During that tenure, I enjoyed the opportunity to help chart the Institute’s future and participate in the wonderful process of selecting content for Proceedings and the books.
As a U.S. Naval Institute member and as a naval officer for more than 30 years, I endorse the integrity of the independent forum where responsible individuals have an opportunity to voice their ideas. As CEO, I will be accessible and will seek open feedback. All of us in the naval profession, Naval Institute members, and interested citizens must engage for the Naval Institute to serve the Nation well and accomplish its important mission.
In the coming months, we will reach out to you for your inputs and insights on how to make the Naval Institute more relevant to naval professionals and members. We will listen. We value your ideas and ask for your active participation to deliver on those ideas.
The prospect of a vibrant debate on national defense in general and the future course for our naval services in particular makes the next few years a critical period for the Nation and its allies. This prestigious institution must advance a professional dialogue that I am confident will enhance support for a strong national defense and foster an increased understanding of the enduring contributions of the sea services.
We will focus on the course ahead. At the same time, we must understand our rich traditions and history. We will support those who currently serve and never forget those who have served, were wounded, or those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy.
Together, we will all build on the Naval Institute’s 138 years of service. Let us answer John Adams’ call, “Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among the people… Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.”
Peter H. Daly
July 26, 2011
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