Op-Ed: The human faces behind AI and machine learning

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Rather than succumbing to sci-fi notions of AI dominance, ioCurrents focuses on leveraging human intelligence to create AI and advanced machine learning models.

Will Roberts

By Will Roberts, CEO, ioCurrents

Rather than succumbing to sci-fi notions of AI dominance, ioCurrents focuses on leveraging human intelligence to create advanced machine learning models. Founded on the belief that collaboration between experts from diverse backgrounds is the key to unlocking a sustainable future, ioCurrents aims to optimize fuel usage, reduce emissions, improve maintenance practices and predict equipment failures in the maritime sector.

Emphasizing Human Expertise

ioCurrents sets itself apart by prioritizing human expertise in its pursuit of cutting-edge solutions. Instead of relying solely on AI algorithms, the company invests in a multidisciplinary team of engineers, naval architects, scientists, and data analysts. This collaborative environment fosters creative problem-solving and ensures that each solution is a thoughtful combination of artificial intelligence and human wisdom.

At the core of ioCurrents’ approach is a team of expert problem solvers from diverse backgrounds. Their expertise spans mechanical engineering, naval architecture and electrical engineering which has helped deploy data science using AI and machine learning. One ioCurrents employee used to work for a cancer research center and was instrumental in identifying a novel cause of why cells age using robotics to analyze large data sets. This helped medical professionals with early cancer detection and similar methodologies can be used in other industries such as predicting equipment failures on vessels for instance.

This collective experience allows them to understand the intricacies and challenges faced by different maritime segments, including commercial shipping, offshore, oil & gas and commercial fishing operations. The team then builds bespoke machine learning and AI models to automate reports and alerts to help seafarers make decisions based on real-time factual information gleaned from data generated from onboard equipment sensors.

Data Analytics Mastery

In the age of big data, the ability to extract meaningful information is crucial. ioCurrents boasts a team of skilled data analysts who possess a keen eye for patterns, trends, and anomalies. By harnessing this expertise, the company ensures that its AI models are trained on comprehensive and relevant datasets, leading to more accurate predictions and valuable insights.

Prakirn Kumar, one of ioCurrents’ data scientists has developed automated high-visibility infographic reports to summarize monthly performance and provide actionable insights to help shipping companies optimize their operations. For instance, using these insights can reduce fuel usage by up to 5% and equipment failure costs by up to 30% per annum. It also helps clients reduce their CO2 and NOx emissions, which is an important regulatory consideration as well as being good for the environment.

Then there is Dr. Kiersten Henderson, Director of Data Science, who loves analyzing how different components interact and potentially cause malfunction so part of her work at ioCurrents has been to help develop an AI anomaly detection system which alerts crew or shore-side staff to any unusual deviations in expected equipment performance allowing corrective action to be taken.

Harnessing Machine Learning for a Sustainable Future

ioCurrents leverages the power of machine learning as a tool to tackle real-world challenges. The company recognizes that AI, when developed and deployed responsibly, can bring immense benefits. Here’s how ioCurrents puts machine learning to work for the greater good:

Fuel Optimization

One of the primary focuses of ioCurrents’ AI-driven solutions is optimizing fuel consumption. By analyzing vast amounts of data from onboard sensors, weather conditions, and vessel performance, their machine learning models can identify inefficiencies and recommend optimal operating parameters which can reduce the amount of fuel required per vessel leading to significant cost savings.

Emission Reduction

Through their data-driven approach, ioCurrents aids companies in minimizing their environmental footprint. By optimizing fuel usage, vessels and offshore facilities can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help them maintain industry regulatory compliances. This also aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and foster a cleaner planet.

Predictive Maintenance

Unplanned equipment failures can be costly and dangerous. To address this, ioCurrents employs machine learning models to predict and prevent potential failures before they occur. By analyzing historical performance data, patterns of deterioration, and real-time sensor information, their predictive maintenance solutions help companies schedule maintenance proactively, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

In a world often preoccupied with dystopian fears of AI domination, ioCurrents serves as a refreshing example of how technology can be harnessed responsibly and collaboratively. By embracing human expertise and combining it with the power of machine learning, ioCurrents pioneers data-driven solutions that optimize fuel usage, reduce emissions, improve maintenance practices, and predict equipment failures. Their dedication to a sustainable future serves as an inspiring model for other industries seeking innovative solutions to complex challenges. As we move forward, the collaboration between human intelligence and AI promises to shape a brighter and cleaner future for generations to come.

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