
Scott Carrico says changes ahead for maritime could include use of unmanned vessels to address growing crew shortages, says .

Op-Ed: A sea change

A sea change is coming to how we use the world’s oceans.  This change is being spurred on by offshore markets which are experiencing unprecedented times.  Multiple forces are at play causing

  • News

VIDEO: Stanford develops humanoid diving robot

APRIL 28, 2016 — While researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology believe that the future of underwater robotics lies in swimming snakes (see earlier story), their counterparts at Stanford

VIDEO: Robot snakes could handle subsea IMR

APRIL 18, 2016 — The next big thing in subsea inspection, maintenance and repair? It could be swimming robot snakes. The NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and research company Sintef

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Navy launches SECNAV Innovation Awards Program

AUGUST 25, 2015 — Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has launched the SECNAV Innovation Awards Program.The  program seeks to recognize top Department of the Navy individuals or teams who made significant

ONR unveils prototype robot firefighter

February 6, 2015 — In tests aboard a decommissioned Navy ship last fall, a humanoid robot located a live shipboard fire and sprayed it with water from a hose. Called SAFFiR (Shipboard