First HPB-1500 high speed patrol craft launched
The first of 18 patrol craft being built for police units around the U.K. and Gibraltar,has been launched into the River Mersey at the Bromborough, U.K. yard of RHIB and fast workboat
The first of 18 patrol craft being built for police units around the U.K. and Gibraltar,has been launched into the River Mersey at the Bromborough, U.K. yard of RHIB and fast workboat
Jeanerette, La., shipbuilder Metal Shark has delivered an 85- by 19.5-foot welded aluminum Near Coastal Patrol Vessel (NCPV) to the Dominican Republic’s Navy. Named Betelgeuse in the Dominican tradition of naming military
Shipbuilder Metal Shark, Jeanerette, La., has introduced an offshore-capable, ultra-high-performance military patrol vessel delivering 70-knot top speeds. Production of the the new welded-aluminum 52 Fearless Super Interceptor vessels is now underway at
Royal Thai Navy picks MAN 175D to power new patrol vessels MAN Energy Solutions has won the contract to supply the main propulsion engines for two new 41 meter patrol vessels for
JULY 24, 2017 — A 38 ft multi-mission patrol boat for Montauk Harbor, Montauk, NY, will be officially dedicated with a “splash down” ceremony in Montauk on July 26. The vessel is
MAY 19, 2016 — Italy’s Vittoria Shipyard is to showcase its 60 knot Interceptor 43 at an event in La Spezia next week. The new vessel is based on U.S. Customs and
FEBRUARY 17, 2016 — Incat Crowther, Lafayette, LA, is to design a 50 m multi-mission monohull patrol vessel for the Philippines Government. Two identical vessels of the type will be built in
JANUARY 8, 2014 — Front Street Shipyard, Belfast, ME is beginning construction of a series of catamaran patrol craft for Trefoil Marine, Newport, RI. The first of the boats will launch in
SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 — Rolls-Royce unveiled a new design of maritime patrol craft at a defense event held in London this week. The first of a “protection vessel family” of designs, the
APRIL 19, 2013 — The Government of the Bahamas has signed a letter of intent with Damen Shipyards Group, headquartered in Gorinchem, the Netherlands. It covers the acquisition of nine vessels for