MOL trim optimization system yields 4% fuel savings

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optitrimmicroMitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) today announced the joint development along with Akishima Laboratories (Mitsui Zosen) Inc. of an optimum trim system for vessels,

A pilot test of the system, using a 6,400-unit car carrier, showed an increase of up to 4 percent in fuel efficiency compared to a conventionally equipped vessel. The added efficiency in turn contributes to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.


The optimum trim system quantitatively assesses MOL captains’ extensive practical knowledge of vessel running attitudes through tank testing and actual ship test. This data is translated into graphs that make it easy for seafarers to use the system.

Tank testing by Akishima Laboratories showed that appropriate trim adjustments can significantly reduce wave drag, and these results were confirmed in practical tests using the car carrier. (Please refer to the figure below.)

The optimum trim system is one of the elemental technologies MOL is promoting in its Sempaku ISHIN project to develop concepts for next-generation vessels. The company will adopt the optimum trim system on additional types of ships in a proactive approach combined with the optimal operational system to reduce CO2 emissions on a fleet-wide basis.

April 5, 2011

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