Paris MOU publishes latest “Black, Gray and White List”
Written byHere’s where we should be playing the theme music for the “Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” The Paris MOU has just released its new performance lists for flag states and recognized organizations. From July 1, 2011, countries that are signatory to the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port Control, will use these lists in determining which ships to target for inspection. Ships flying flags listed on the “Black list” are liable for banning from the region after multiple detentions.
A total number of 84 flags are included on the latest “Black, Gray and White (BGW) List .” Eighteen are on the “Black list”, 24 on the ” Gray list”, and 42 on the “White list”.In the previous year, the number of flags listed totaled 82 flags, with 24 on the “Black List”, 19 on the “Gray List” and 39 on the “White List”.
Most flags categorized as very high risk in previous years remain so in 2010. The poorest performing flags are DPR Korea, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Togo, Sierra Leone and Montenegro. New on the “Black List” are the flags of Tanzania United Republic and Azerbaijan (both medium risk).
Flags with an average performance are shown on the “Gray List” and include the United States, which appears to be at the better end of the “gray” spectrum.
The best-performing flag on the White List is Bermuda (United Kingdom). Next in line are Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
The Paris MoU also agreed on the performance listing of Recognized Organizations (ROs) . These organizations (most of which are classification societies) have been delegated with statutory responsibilities by flag States. This table uses the same method of calculation as the flag state table but counts only those detentions, which the Paris MoU considers to be directly related to a statutory survey carried out by the recognized organization.
Among the best performing recognized organizations were: Registro Italiano Navale – RINA, American Bureau of Shipping – ABS and Det Norske Veritas – DNV.
The lowest performing organizations were:Phoenix Register of Shipping – PHRS (Greece), Register of Shipping – RSA (Albania), International Register of Shipping – IS (USA) and Bulgarski Koraben Registar – BKR.
July 6, 2011
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