VIDEO: Mark W. Barker refloated after grounding
Written by Nick Blenkey
USCG Ninth District posted this picture of the Mark W. Barker while it was still aground.
The 639-foot Great Lakes bulker Mark W. Barker ran soft aground at 8.00 am today in the Detroit River off Belle Isle, the U.S. Coast Guard’s Ninth District tweeted this morning, noting that no injuries, pollution, or damage had been reported. The vessel was carrying a cargo of salt and the river remained open to all traffic.
“Planning underway to refloat & determine cause,” said the Coast Guard.
Just a few hours later, the refloat efforts had succeeded.
“Commercial salvage freed the Mark W. Barker & is assisting them to Detroit Rvr Belle Isle anchorage,” Ninth District said in a subsequent tweet. “Once anchored, Coast Guard investigators will board, assess any damages, and ensure any repairs.”
In a release later in the day, Coast Guard Sector Detroit said that the vessel had run aground “due to an electronics malfunction” and that, arrying approximately 21,000 metric tons of salt and 105,000 gallons of diesel fuel, the Mark W. Barker remained stable throughout the incident with no signs of pollution discharge or hull damage reported.
The Coast Guard worked closely with the vessel owner, Interlake Steamship Company, as well as port partners and the Canadian Coast Guard to develop and execute the refloat plan. The ship was assisted by towing vessel to the Belle Isle anchorage, where Coast Guard investigators will assess any damages and ensure repairs are completed as necessary before the vessel resumes its voyage.
Delivered to Interlake Steamship last year by Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding, the 639-foot long Mark W. Barker is the first newbuild Great Lakes bulker to be delivered in nearly 40 years and was selected as Marine Log’s Vessel of the Year for 2022.
The modern laker is very far from being a repeat of the vessels built four or more decades ago.
“This new vessel not only brings with it additional cargo carrying capacity and capabilities, it is the most versatile in our fleet and strategically sized to navigate into nearly any port on the Great Lakes,” said Brendan P. O’Connor, Interlake’s vice president of marketing and marine traffic as the vessel embarked on its maiden voyage. “The M/V Mark W. Barker will give us unmatched ability for cargo operations and to carry unique project cargoes because of both her square-shaped cargo hold and larger hatch openings. She truly was designed to be a vessel for the future.”
Video from the Detroit River Watch webcam captured the successful refloating of the vessel.