Grand Bahama Shipyard appoints U.K. representative
Written by Nick BlenkeyJULY 13, 2017 — Grand Bahama Shipyard (GBS) has appointed London-based L&R Midland (U.K.) Limited to represent it in the U.K. in what is expected to be an increasingly busy period due to the rapidly approaching new IMO regulations that will increase demand for BWTS and exhaust gas scrubber retrofits.
The yard’s strategic location just 93 nm east of Miami, FL, is in close vicinity to the Gulf of Mexico, Panama Canal, and situated along major shipping lanes. The year-round fine weather conditions make GBS an ideal location for docking, repair, upgrade and conversion of vessels from the cruise, commercial and offshore segments of the maritime industry. Detailed information on the full facilities can be found by visiting
Grand Bahama Shipyard’s facilities includes three floating dry docks capable of docking vessels up to 82,500 tonnes and over 300 m in length, significant berth and quayside facilities, including thruster pits, crane capacity up to 300 t, extensive capability for hull, machinery, electrical and carpentry work, including many on-site specialist sub-contractors such as ABB, Rolls Royce and Wärtsilä.
All U.K. enquiries for ship repair, upgrade or conversion at Grand Bahama Shipyard may be directed through Jon Holloway at L&R Midland (UK) Ltd via phone or email, +44 (0) 77 1214 8881 /
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