Unlocking the potential of green methanol: Methanol-to-hydrogen for workboats
Written by Marine Log StaffSPONSORED CONTENT: The maritime industry, with its massive equipment and long-standing traditions, faces a monumental challenge as global emissions regulations tighten. While cleaner fuels are a necessity to reduce harmful emissions and decarbonize, the shift isn’t solely about the fuel itself. The decarbonization strategy must also practically align with the existing infrastructure in order to start implementing changes now. Methanol, already prevalent in portside and on-vessel applications, has emerged as a promising solution. The rapidly growing emphasis on sustainable methanol (green methanol) production amplifies the impact that this fuel is going to play in the transition.
Green methanol, sourced from renewable resources, combined with RIX’s Methanol-to-Hydrogen (M2H2) reforming technology results in Net-Zero emissions. By employing methanol as a high-density hydrogen carrier feedstock, self-contained M2H2 reformer systems can generate fuel cell grade hydrogen on-vessel and on-demand. Any source or combination of methanol can be used, allowing the transition to be implemented now and evolve to net-zero as renewable sources of methanol become more accessible. Considering that this vital shift will happen in stages of progression, the M2H2’s versatility aligns perfectly with the maritime industry’s commitment to decarbonization.
The RIX M2H2 reformers, when paired with Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, can accommodate power requirements ranging from 10kW to 3MW+ applications, offering a wide range of power scalability. Workboat vessels, including ferries, tugboats, fishing boats, and crew transfer ships, particularly benefit from the optimal power levels of M2H2 systems which can support primary propulsion, auxiliary power systems, hotel loads, cold ironing, and bunkering.
M2H2 reformer technology offers an immediate, emissions-reducing solution that can be easily implemented on existing vessels utilizing the industry’s familiarity with methanol’s safe handling and transport. By eliminating the complexity, high cost, and inefficiency of hydrogen storage. M2H2 reformer systems enhance safety by eliminating the need for high-pressure storage tanks and frees up valuable cargo space, passenger, or pleasure space. Without the high price and risk of transporting hydrogen, this option not only reduces costs, but also streamlines operations, making M2H2 an attractive proposition for workboats, ferries, yachts, and other marine vessels.
Leveraging existing methanol infrastructure, green methanol’s synergy with M2H2 technology makes green, reduced emission hydrogen-powered shipping a realistic and tangible solution. RIX Methanol-to-Hydrogen (M2H2) systems offer a strategic path for the maritime industry to meet environmental mandates effectively, providing a practical, efficient, and environmentally responsible pathway forward.
To learn more about Methanol to Hydrogen Generation for marine applications please contact Gregg Baldassarre, Director of Business Development for RIX Industries
Email: gbaldassarre@rixindustries.com