USCG responds to Hurricane Sandy pollution threats
Written by Nick BlenkeyNOVEMBER 5, 2012 — The Coast Guard reports that the Hurricane Sandy Pollution Response Unified Command is responding to numerous areas throughout New York and New Jersey with environmental threats caused by Hurricane Sandy.
Responders with the unified command are assessing affected areas and environmentally sensitive areas for pollution and hazardous materials. The assessments will be used to appropriately respond to the identified areas of pollution.
The unified command has created branches, divisions and task forces to safely and efficiently respond to these impacted areas.
Below is the response information for each site as of Nov. 4, 2012:
Motiva Enterprises spill in Sewaren, N.J.
- Coast Guard oversight continues for the Motiva led response operations.
- Shoreline reconnaissance teams are on scene conducting land and air assessments daily.
- Product and water is being recovered by vacuum trucks from the secondary containment area and pumped into a separate onsite storage tank. As of Nov. 4, 2012 at 4 p.m., the response organization had collected 457,519 gallons of oily water mixture. The collected mixture includes product transferred from one of the damaged tanks, secondary containment and on water skimming operations.
- Contractors are taking the initiative to examine a sheen coming from the Buckeye facility and deploying boom on scene.
- Skimmers and vacuum trucks are operating on Smith’s creek.
- 14,800 feet of boom has been deployed.
Phillips 66 Refinery spill in Linden, N.J.
Coast Guard oversight continues for the Phillips 66 led response operations.
Approximately 7,770 gallons of fuel was reportedly spilled.
Kinder Morgan Inc. spill in Perth Amboy, N.J.
Coast Guard oversight continues of Kinder Morgan led response operations.
- Currently rebuilding containment wall around the tanks.
- Recovered 780,000 gallons of oily/water mixture.
- Completed cleaning of secondary containment.
- Special attention is being given to Mill Creek due to it’s environmental sensitivity.
Great Kills Assessment Team in N.J.
No active oil discharges or sheen sighted. Response operations will focus on detailed assessment and plan development.
- Conducted joint waterside damage assessment with New York Police Department
- More than 100 vessels observed ashore and approximately 40 sunken vessels in the water.
- A fuel dock was observed separated from its original foundation. No sheen was observed, but the situation was reported to the marina’s owner.
Atlantic Highlands and Rariten Bay Assessment Team in N.J.
Initial site assessment completed, and no active oil discharges were reported.
- Response operations will focus on detailed assessment and response plan development.
- Observed seven marinas in the Atlantic Highlands area, and six vessels were reported submerged.
- At the marina of the bay, two sunken vessels were observed. No pollution was reported.
- At the C Street Terminal, a sunken vessel was seen near the 36th Street Bridge.
- At the Atlantic Highlands marina, approximately 14 vessels sank as a result of the storm. Light sheen was reported, and the marina is extremely damaged.
- Approximately 100-140 vessels scattered ashore and 10 are reported to be sunken at the Brown’s Point, Wagner, Key Port marinas. All three marinas are utilizing cranes to retrieve vessels.
- Hands Petterson marina reported three sunken vessels, but no sheen was observed. Approximately 50 vessels are stacked on top of each other ashore near the marina.
- Viking marina has a light sheen with 15 sunken vessels.
Staten Island/Rockaway Assessment Team in N.Y.
Initial site assessments are complete. No active oil discharges reported.
Response operations will focus on detailed assessment and response plan development.
- An active response operation is underway for two grounded vessels with sheening.
- No hazardous material was reported following an investigation in South Beach.
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