MOL says farewell to its oldest LNG carrier
Written by Nick Blenkey
Senshu Maru [Image: Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd.]
Japan’s Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd. (MOL) has disposed of its oldest LNG carrier, the 1984-built Senshu Maru. The Equasis database shows the ship’s status as broken up as of January 18, 2021.
During its service, Senshu Maru piled up some impressive achievements. Here’s what MOL says in a LinkedIn post:
“We bid farewell to our first and the oldest LNG carrier, SENSHU MARU, has served us for 37 years. She sailed nearly 2,000,000 nautical miles (equal to over 92 times around the world) while completing 733 voyages and carrying 9 million tons of LNG, under MOL operation.
“We sincerely appreciated our oldest lady who completed so many operations safely and we will continue stable energy transportation as the world leader in safety.”