USCG approves oneTank ballast water management system
Written by Nick Blenkey
The Coast Guard Marine Safety Center has issued the 35th U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificate to Glosten spin-off oneTank, LLC after a detailed review of the manufacturer’s type approval application determined the system met the requirements of 46 CFR 162.060.
The treatment principle of the oneTank system consists of in-tank chemical injection, with in-tank neutralization prior to discharge. The USCG approval covers models with maximum treatment volumes up to 4,000 cubic meters.
According to the manufacturer, oneTank has a low power consumption and is simple to operate and maintain.
The company offers a unique “do-it-yourself” model that, it says, allows vessel operators to install and commission their own systems, without a custom engineering process or class society technical approval.
The system treats ballast water within the vessel’s ballast tank, which provides the flexibility to uptake, treat, and discharge ballast water to meet the ship operator’s schedule, and neutralize at an optimal time to prevent organism regrowth.
Treatment is achieved through the application of a bulk chemical dosage that is circulated through the ballast tank. It is rated to treat up to 4,000 cubic meters in under 30 hours, and requires no filtration of the ballast water stream, minimizing fragile components and maintenance requirements.