
ClassNK issues SoC to two Gujarat ship recyclers

Although the convention has yet to enter into force, ClassNK says that the two facilities — Shree Ram Vessel Scrap Pvt. Ltd  and Leela Ship Recycling Pvt. Ltd — have both carried out substantial improvements in a bid toward achieving safer and greener ship recycling and have developed the Ship Recycling Facility Plans (SRFPs) required for a competent authority’s certification under the convention. 

In addition to conducting on-site inspections before issuing the SoC, ClassNK reviewed the SRFPs prepared by Shree Ram and Leela, which comply with requirements of the HKC, and confirmed that their ship recycling processes follow their respective SRFPs  

The SoC are issued based on purely technical verifications of the facilities by ClassNK, which has so far done the same for ship recycling facilities around the world.

ClassNK says it will continue encouraging safe and environmentally sound ship recycling in accordance with the HKC through its issuance of SoC to facilities that meet the HKC standards.