EC gives green light for LNG fuel supply JV
Written by Nick BlenkeyAUGUST 23, 2012 — The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the proposed acquisition of joint control of a newly created joint venture by Marquard & Bahls AG and Linde AG.
The JV aims build a European infrastructure for the supply of LNG fuel for ships such as the natural gas fueled ferry newbuild Viking Grace (see earlier story).
M&B operates in oil trading, tank-terminal storage, aviation fueling and renewable energy. Linde supplies industrial and medical gases, equipment, engineering and services. The JV will be active in bulk supply of liquid natural gas as ship fuel (LNG bunkering) in the European Sulfur Emission Control Area (SECA) that covers the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the English Channel and connected inland waterways.
EC clearance of the JV was approved under the simplified merger review procedure.
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