Coast Guard picks SAFE Boats to provide OTH-IV boats
Written by Nick BlenkeyJULY 17, 2012 — The U.S. Coast Guard has selected SAFE Boats International LLC of Port Orchard, Wash., to provide future Over-The-Horizon IV (OTH-IV) cutter boats. The selection was made after conducting a “boat off” with three different builders. The “boat off” included testing conducted at the U.S. Navy’s Combatant Craft Division in Norfolk, Va., and with the Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf in San Diego, Calif.
SAFE Boats International was selected as offering the best value to the government.
The contract is for up to 101 boats over a seven year period with a contract ceiling of $58.9 million. The Coast Guard may order up to 71 boats to be deployed aboard the service’s major cutters, including the National Security Cutter class. The contract also includes up to 10 boats for the U. S. Navy and up to 20 boats for Customs and Border Protection.
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