ClassNK PSC report highlights the issues that get ships detained

Written by Nick Blenkey
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JULY 10, 2017 — Classification society ClassNK has released its annual report on Port State Control. The report aims to assist ship operators and management companies in maintaining compliant operations by providing information about ships detained by PSC as well as deficiencies found on board by many port states in 2016.

ClassNK has included a breakdown of deficiencies which shows that fire safety-related deficiencies continue to be the most frequent detainable deficiencies. ISM, lifesaving appliances and safety of navigation also remain major items producing many detainable deficiencies.

The ClassNK report also provides detailed analyses on PSC detentions by flag state, port state, ship type, ship size, and ship’s age as well as a summary of major amendments made to international conventions, such as SOLAS, that have further widened the scope of PSC inspections

The ClassNK Port State Control Annual Report can be downloaded HERE


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