Western Geco orders arctic-capable seismic ships at FSG

Written by Nick Blenkey

fsg western GecoJUNE 14, 2012 — Schlumberger (NYSE:SLB) subsidiary Western Geco has ordered two 127 m seismic ships from German shipbuilder Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) for 2014 delivery.

“The sector we have succeeded in penetrating is a new and important field of business for us,” said FSG Managing Director Peter Sierk. He added that the shipyard’s “proven contract and delivery reliability, absolute quality and world-wide reputation as well as our ability to react swiftly and competently to the demands of the customer” were the decisive factors in winning the contract.

According to FSG, the ships “are the first of their type to be designed in this form especially for the envisaged seismic operations and which, in terms of efficiency, comfort, reliability and endurance, guarantee safe operation worldwide including the Arctic regions and in the most adverse weather conditions. They are being prepared for fitting with state-of-the-art equipment.”

FSG says the order will further secure the jobs of more than 700 people and will put the yard in a successful position to compete in the offshore market

“We have repeatedly stressed that FSG can only survive if it succeeds in broadening its pallette of activities,” said Mr. Sierk. At the same time, he underscored the continuing importance of the Ro-Ro market for FSG.

“We remain the world Number One – and we want to keep it that way,” he said.

Mr. Sierk expects further new orders from the RoRo and RoPax sector in the near future which will confirm FSG’s position in this market sector.

fsg western geo large

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