DOF Subsea orders OSCV to replace newbuild sold to Australia
Written by Nick BlenkeyDOF Subsea Rederi has ordered a new offshore construction vessel from STX OSV. The order was placed in conjunction with DOF Subsea’s sale of its under-construction newbuild at STX OSV, Skandi Bergen (Yard No. 771), to Australia for just under $130 million (see earlier story).
The Australians will be getting the Skandi Bergen without its subsea equipment: two WROVs and their launch and recovery systems plus a 250 t crane. That equipment will be transferred to the just-ordered newbuild. Being built to STX OSV’s OSCV 11 design, the new vessel (Yard No. 776) will be a lengthened version of Yard No. 771, with a total length of 121 m.
Delivery of the newbuild is set for May next year. DOF Subsea says the estimated project price is approximately NOK 660 million (about $115 million). That includes the subsea equipment from yard no. 771 and DOF’s estimated costs for construction supervision, spare parts and mobilisation.
STX OSV says the value of its contract for the vessel amounts to approximately NOK 650 million (about $113 million).
The overall length of the vessel will be approximately 121 meters with a beam of 22 meters. It will have accommodations for 100 persons and will feature a new moon pool design developed as the result of a three year R&D program undertaken by STX OSV Design, Marintek and DOF Management and supported by the Norwegian Research Council.
Compared to vessels with conventional moon pool design, the vessel can operate in a wider range of weather conditions in a safer manner for the vessel’s crew and equipment, says STX OSV.
Delivery is scheduled from STX OSV’s Søviknes shipyard in Norway. The hull of the vessel will be delivered from STX OSV’s Tulcea shipyard in Romania.
May 26, 2012
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