Mackay Marine is now an Iridium GMDSS global service provider
Written by Marine Log Staff
LT-3100S GMDSS terminal
Raleigh, N.C., based Mackay Communications, Inc., (Mackay Marine) has been selected as a service provider for Iridium’s new Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) service. Mackay is also a global partner with Lars Thrane A/S, the first, and currently the only, manufacturer of an IMO-certified Iridium GMDSS terminal, the LT-3100S.
Iridium’s implementation and accelerated activations of its GMDSS systems have been full speed ahead since officially launching its global service in December 2020. This was preceded by 13,000+ service tests and LT- 3100S onboard assurances, and the 2018 official recognition of Iridium’s GMDSS service by the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee (MSC). The Iridium GMDSS solution is the first IMO-approved alternative system to Inmarsat-C since GMDSS became operational in 1999.
Iridium’s GMDSS network architecture, coupled with Lars Thrane’s terminal features, provide safety and connectivity enhancements for mariners, offering coverage, capability, and cost benefits.
Primary advantages of Iridium’s GMDSS Service are its unique truly global coverage; a Safety & Distress priority button that initiates a voice call direct to an RCC (Rescue Coordination Center), triggering relayed alerts; automatic storage of Maritime Safety Information (MSI), and pre-configured voice access to medical services.
The LT-3100S GMDSS terminal is a compact, integrated satcom terminal with a high performance GNSS/GPS receiver, providing voice, data and tracking services; all connected to its low-profile antenna by a single coax cable, up to 500 meters long. Certified installers, such as Mackay, will ensure required integration and warranty protection.
The Lars Thrane LT-3100S capabilities continue to evolve. An external interface module is now available to support additional features that will soon be available, including the IMO / ISPS regulatory requirements for SSAS (09/21) and LRIT (12/21) .
“Mackay is delighted to be selected as an Iridium GMDSS global service provider to promote this innovative GMDSS system broadly to global resellers, integration partners and Mackay’s diverse customer base, served from our 50+ global locations,” said Matt Krupinski, Mackay’s director of satellite services. “The enhanced features of Iridium’s GMDSS package are a welcome compliment to Mackay’s current broad line of electronics and marine service portfolio.”
“The unique combination of Iridium GMDSS service and Lars Thrane’s terminal not only offer the security of a long-awaited enhanced emergency system, but reliable communication alternatives to a wide range of mariners; appealing beyond SOLAS-required vessels to include coastal, workboat, commercial fishing, charter yachts and leisure craft,” said Kai Madsen, Mackay Communications, marine satellite sales manager.