Ports of LA and Long Beach offer emissions reduction funding
Written by Nick Blenkey
APRIL 18, 2018 — Emissions-reduction projects for vessels and harbor craft will be eligible to apply for seed money funding from a joint Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach program to foster the development of new goods-movement technologies that improve air quality.
The funding is part of the ports’ Technology Advancement Program, or TAP. This year’s 2018 Call for Projects requests concept papers for a variety of projects that have the potential to reduce emissions, including diesel particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and greenhouse gases.
The Call for Projects notes that in 2017, the ports released two separate RFPs for at-berth technologies for unregulated ships and harbor craft technologies; however, proposals for both ships and harbor craftwill still be considered under the 2018 CFP as long as the following are met:
- Ships: Alternative fuel and/or engine technologies resulting in NOx emission levels better than Tier 3, or, technologies that can be applied to existing ships(i.e., retrofit) to achieve Tier 3 emission levels or better. Additionally, projects that demonstrate optimized fuel efficiency.
- Harbor craft: Hybrid, alternative fuel, and/or engine technologies resulting in NOx emission levels better than Tier 4 standards, or, technologies that can be applied to existing harbor craft (i.e., retrofit) to achieve Tier 3 or Tier 4 emission levels.
Concept papers are due Tuesday, May 22.
Download the 2018 Call for Projects HERE
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