Port NOLA resumes container operations

Written by Marine Log Staff
Container operations at Port NOLA

Image: port NOLA

The Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) reports that container vessel operations resumed yesterday, September 7, just nine days after Hurricane Ida made landfall in southeast Louisiana as a category 4 storm.

The first two ships worked at the Napoleon Avenue Container Terminal were the MSC Charleston at New Orleans Terminal and the Hapag Lloyd CSL Manhattan at Ports America. Seacor’s container on barge service was set to be worked last night by Ports America.

“The Port of New Orleans and New Orleans Public Belt Railroad are resilient and strong. Our wharves are busy today, handling both container and breakbulk cargo vessels, and trains are moving,” said Brandy D. Christian, President and CEO of Port NOLA and CEO of NOPB. “Our success can be attributed to coordination with a long list of partners: FEMA, MARAD, our local, state and federal leaders, terminal operators, tenants, International Longshoremen’s Association, river pilots, Entergy, Carnival Cruise Line, our dedicated Port and NOPB teams, and others.”

Port NOLA’s breakbulk vessel operations resumed Sept. 2, just four days after Hurricane Ida with the MV Ishizuchi Star that worked at Coastal Cargo. NOPB operations also resumed Sept. 2 to connect with BNSF Railway, CN, CSX, Kansas City Southern, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific. Navigation on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway east of the Mississippi River through the Inner Harbor Canal Lock has also resumed.

Though Hurricane Ida’s winds caused mass power outage throughout the entire region and shut down operations, the port says its terminals and industrial real estate properties sustained no major damage, due to their location within the $14 billion federal Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System. Port NOLA’s Louisiana International Terminal development is also located within those boundaries; that property was not materially impacted by the storm.


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