Golden Ray salvage gets back on track
Written by Nick Blenkey
The twin-hull heavy lift vessel VB-10,000 will be used for cutting and lifting operations [Photo by U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer John D. Miller]
Efforts to remove the wreck of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray from St. Simons Sound, Ga., look to be getting back on track. On October 7, the Unified Command working on the salvage announced that cutting and lifting operations would be delayed for several weeks by the need for engineers to modify the mooring system for the the twin-gantry, twin-barge heavy lift catamaran VB-10,000 at the wreck-site.
Originally, engineers with the response designed an array of five anchors for the VB-10,000, however, after successfully installing and pull-testing four anchors, the remaining anchor did not meet its pull-test requirements. The Unified Command said it was reviewing multiple options for a revised anchor system.
Today, the Unified Command said that responders will install three pilings to complete the anchor array for the VB-10,000. Pile driving will commence on October 18.
Responders are installing three pilings to complete the anchor array for the VB10,000 heavy-lift vessel. The VB-10,000 will begin transiting to St. Simons Sound after the first piling is installed.
Sound levels will be monitored at the wrecksite and the shoreline during pile driving to ensure the safety of workers and the public. Sound levels are expected to be negligible at the shoreline.
A 150-yard safety zone around the Environmental Protection Barrier (EPB) that surrounds the wreck has been established. Mariners are advised to steer clear of the perimeter. Unauthorized flying of drones (UAVs) is prohibited around the wreck site. Responders will report any sightings of drones and drone operators to local authorities.