Golden Ray: Responders prep for third cut
Written by Nick BlenkeyAfter successfully completing removal of Section Eight, the stern, of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray (see earlier story), the St. Simons Sound Incident Response team is now continue to prepare for cutting operations on the next section, Section Seven.
Preparations include maintenance on critical wreck removal equipment and, as prior to separation of the previous section, perforating the projected cut groove and drilling additional drainage holes along the bottom of the section.
Sea-fastening operations to secure Section Eight on the Barge 455-8, continue in preparation to its transit with Section Eight to a recycling facility in Louisiana.
Responders continue to observe and mitigate light oil sheens and recover debris on the water and at the shoreline.
Response efforts have been ongoing since the 660 foot long car car carrier capsized in St. Simons Sound near the Port of Brunswick, Ga., on September 8, 2019.
Subsequently, it was determined that the vessel could not safely be righted and refloated in a fully intact condition, but would have to be disassembled in place and removed in sections.