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Höegh and Svitzer in carbon-cutting Australian EcoTow first

Written by Nick Blenkey
EcoTow operation

Photo: Svitzer

Copenhagen-headquartered towage giant Svitzer has delivered its first EcoTow solution in Australia to Höegh Autoliners first Aurora-class vessel, Höegh Aurora. Already claiming the title of “the world’s largest, greenest PCTC,” the 9,100 car capacity vessel used the EcoTow solution on its recent maiden voyage to four ports in Australia.

EcoTow is Svitzer’s proprietary carbon insetting solution. With the EcoTow solution, the carbon emissions from towage jobs are mass balanced by carbon credits generated by Svitzer’s use of biofuel across its international towage operations. The neutralization effect is established by an external auditor and documented through certification and assurance reporting.

According to Svitzer, it provided a near 100% reduction in CO2 emissions relating to the towage operations of Höegh Aurora’s port calls during her maiden voyage to Australia.

Towage is one of the largest carbon emitters in port operations in Australia, and Svitzer has a comprehensive decarbonization strategy targeting its reduction, including via biofuel and battery powered tugs.

The Höegh Aurora is a multi-fuel capable vessel – cutting carbon emissions per car transported by 58% compared to the current industry standard.

“Höegh Autoliners is whole-heartedly set on achieving our 2040 net-zero emissions goal, and the EcoTow agreement with Svitzer on the Höegh Aurora’s visit to Australia illustrates our ongoing commitment in meeting these goals,” said Sebjørn Dahl, chief operations officer at Höegh Autoliners.
“We are proud to have secured the first-ever, low-carbon towage service in Australia and it is only appropriate that our innovative, world-leading Aurora Class vessel delivers this first, providing the opportunity to further reduce the carbon footprint of our customers’ value chains.”

“This is an exciting step forward for decarbonising shipping in Australia – and a demonstration of the significant contribution maritime can make toward a Net Zero future,” said Svitzer’s managing director for Australia, Videlina Georgieva. “We commend Höegh Autoliners for the industry leadership they have shown and their commitment to driving a cleaner, more sustainable future. We are thankful for the opportunity to work closely with our customers to reduce emissions while also providing sustainable, safe and reliable marine services.

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