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Brazil’s Alianca to built two Ulstein X-bow PSV’s for CBO

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ulsteincbomicroUlstein Design & Solutions has signed two ship design contracts with Brazilian shipyard Alianca S.A. Worth around NOK 150 million, the  contracts are for the delivery of design, engineering, main equipment and building follow-up for two large X-bowed Ulstein PX105 platform supply vessels for  CBO (Companhia Brasileira de Offshore.


“CBO is the first to build X-bow vessels in Brazil, which proves that we are an innovative company constantly looking for new solutions,” says CBO director Alfredo Naslausky. The company currently has four Ulstein-designed PSVs under construction at the Alianca yard in Rio de Janeiro. The contracts for two more PX105 vessels bring this number up to six.

“The vessels will go into eight-year contracts, with options for extension, for the Brazilian state oil company Petrobras. The vessels will be number five and six built for CBO with the X-bow hull line design to be constructed and permanently stationed in Brazil, which is also exciting,” saysUlstein’s sales manager for OSV designs, Lars Ståle Skoge.

April 29, 2011

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