Port Canaveral awarded $1.9 million in Port Security Grant funding
Written by Marine Log Staff
CPA Director of Public Safety & Security Cory Dibble monitors port security cameras [Photo: Canaveral Port Authority]
Port Canaveral, Fla., has been awarded $1,941,285 in FEMA funding for several projects that will protect critical infrastructure from terrorism and other security threats.
The Canaveral Port Authority (CPA) will receive $1,357,020 in federal funding for two projects.
The federal dollars will be supplemented by a 25 percent CPA cost share match
The port’s Cybersecurity Vulnerability Reduction Project was awarded a $884,520 Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) grant to support a $1.18 million project to substantially elevate and enhance the port’s cybersecurity posture with additional information security personnel and services, resulting in a more secure and resilient Port area.
A PSGP grant for $472,500 was awarded to allow the CPA to purchase a new security rapid response boat. The vessel will be a 33- foot Life Proof Boats vessel operated by Brevard County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) and equipped with up-to-date features and technology to respond to and support current and future waterside security needs at Port Canaveral including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives (CBRNE).

Additionally, the Canaveral Pilots Association was awarded $584,265 in PSGP grant funding to purchase a new response boat with high tech, modern communication and sounding equipment to assist with emergencies and hurricane recovery operations at Port Canaveral. Supplemented by a 50 percent cost match share by the Canaveral Pilots, the grant funding will also support engine repower and technology upgrades to two existing pilot boats. The new multi-missioned vessel will be purpose-built with surveillance capabilities for rapid response to safety and security incidents, first responder transport, multi-agency response situations, and supplement a multi-layered response to Port Canaveral safety and security.
The Canaveral Pilots Association serves Port Canaveral as state and federally licensed pilots and maintains close cooperation and coordination with the Canaveral Port Authority, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy and federal and local law enforcement agencies to provide for the safe, secure, and efficient management of ship traffic in and out of Port Canaveral.