CCS-Ready scrubbers will be good to go one CCS technology is market ready

Wärtsilä moves another step forward on CCS-Ready scrubbers

Saying that its CCS-Ready scrubbers are now “being sold at pace,” Wärtsilä is now offering carbon capture and storage (CCS) feasibility studies to shipowners and operators. Studies have already been conducted on

new MAN dual-fuel four stroke passes an approval milestone

New MAN dual-fuel four-stroke passes TAT

MAN Energy Solutions’ MAN 49/60DF engine has received its Type Approval after a five-day program on the testbed at the company’s Augsburg, Germany, headquarters. The Type Approval Test (TAT) of the new

Hunter Group LCO2 carrier

Hunter Group inks CCS development with DNV

Hunter Group ASA, the Oslo-listed investment company that successfully constructed, owned and operated eight very large crude carriers until it sold the last of them last year, is now setting its sights

Ship being fitted with Filtree CCS system

VIDEO: Eastern Pacific tanker completes Filtree CCS system retrofit

Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) reports that it has completed the successful installation of Value Maritime’s (VM) Filtree system onboard its managed vessel M/T Pacific Cobalt in Rotterdam. The Filtree system, which

Aurora Storm alomgsid

VIDEO: PSV prepped for new role transporting CO2

The 2015-built platform supply vessel Aurora Storm is currently alongside in Esbjerg, Denmark, being prepared for a new role, transporting special containers filled with captured CO2 from Belgium to the Nini West

Vessel with Just Catch Offshore installed

Offshore CCS solution promises to cut oil and gas field emissions

A modularized carbon capture facility that would serve offshore oil and gas fields has received DNV approval. Developed by Aker Carbon Capture and called Just Catch Offshore, it is now ready to

Solvang sees CCS and HFO as shipping’s greenest option

Norwegian ship operator Solvang ASA sees on-board carbon capture and storage (CCS) as potentially “the big game changer” in meeting shipping’s decarbonization goals. Currently there is no working technology for shipboard CCS,

New scrubber is smaller

Wärtsilä launches new lighter, smaller IQ Series scrubber

Wärtsilä’s exhaust treatment business unit, based in Moss, Norway, has launched a new series of exhaust gas scrubbers, the IQ Series. The series has an innovative design that allows the same exhaust

Liqyefied CO2 carrier rendering

VIDEO: MHI and TotalEnergies in liquefied CO2 carrier project

With increasing attention being paid to carbon capture as means of combating climate change, the question that arises is “what do you do with the carbon, once it’s captured?” Whatever its destination,

Tank solution offers effective way to transport captured carbon

With Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) likely to play an increasing role in combating climate change, there could be a growing market for marine transportation of captured carbon in the form of