Massve cutting chain and block

Golden Ray: Responders start another cut

Responders continue to make progress in their efforts to remove the wreck of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray from St. Simons Sound, Ga. Yesterday, they began cutting operations to separate Section

Deep groove between sections of wreck

Golden Ray: Section seven separated from wreck

The St. Simons Sound Response team reports that cutting operations to separate Section Seven of the wreck of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray concluded earlier today (April 24). Wreck removal personnel

Technicians on side of ship in basket

Golden Ray: Cutting operation gets back in the groove

The St. Simons Sound Response team reports that cutting operations to separate Section Seven of the wreck of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray resumed over the weekend. Divers successfully placed the

Golden Ray: Cutting begins on Section Two

The St. Simons Sound Response team has now started operations to remove Section Two of the hull of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray, which is being sliced into eight giant sections

Golden Ray: Cutting resumes after maintenance pause

After taking a pause to maintain apparatus, the St. Simons Sound Response team today resumed cutting operations on the hull of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray, which is being sliced into

Golden Ray: Responders resume car carrier cutting

The St. Simons Sound Incident response team resumed cutting operations to separate Section Seven from the wreck of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray Wednesday. The team has already removed two sections

Golden Ray: Responders prep for third cut

After successfully completing removal of Section Eight, the stern, of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray (see earlier story), the St. Simons Sound Incident Response team is now continue to prepare for

VIDEO: Stern section removed from Golden Ray wreck

The St. Simons Sound Incident response team today completed the removal of Section Eight, the stern, of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray. The heavy lift vessel VB-10000, which had earlier completed

Golden Ray: Stern section separated from wreck

The St. Simons Sound Incident response team has completed cutting operations to separate a second section —the stern, designated as Section Eight—from the wreck of the capsized car carrier stern Golden Ray.

VIDEO: Golden Ray cutting picks up speed

New video released by the St. Simons Sound Response Unified Command shows the technique being used by the twin-gantry heavy lift catamaran VB 10,000 to cut the capsized car carrier Golden Ray