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ICS: New guidance on maritime security

Shipping continues to face threats such as piracy, kidnapping and terrorism. Ship operators need to stay alert to security risks and recognize that threats are continually evolving and demand constant vigilance. To

Ever Given stuck in Suez Canal

Ever Given freed, but seafarers still stuck

April 2021 A few short weeks ago, the entire world was transfixed by images of one of the largest containerships on the globe blocking the Suez Canal for six days, causing an

Top 5 stories of March 2021

In March, the maritime industry reached a full year of ongoing COVID-19 issues as it continued on recovery efforts. March also saw one of the largest ever disruptions to maritime trade as

seafarer vaccination rates are low

ICS releases video and guidance on seafarer vaccinations

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has coordinated with a number of shipping bodies to launch a practical guide on COVID-19 vaccinations for use throughout the industry. The guide is part of


$5 billion “moon shot” proposal for shipping decarbonization

Governments controlling a major share of the world merchant fleet yesterday submitted a “moon shot” proposal to to the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO), calling for the establishment of a $5


IMO panel agreement on CO2 reduction gets mixed reviews

An International Maritime Organization working group that met virtually last week has produced a proposed package of additional CO2 reduction measures for the existing global shipping fleet. The draft text will now

ICS updates COVID-19 guidance for shipping

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) says that a great deal has changed since March when first issued guidance for the global shipping industry to help combat the spread of COVID-19. With

IMO: Crew change crisis is deepening

Some 400,000 seafarers from across the globe are now stranded on ships, continuing to work but unable to be relieved, in a deepening crew change crisis which threatens trade and maritime safety,

ICS issues updated COVID-19 health guidance

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued updated health guidance for the global shipping industry to ensure ship operators and crew can safely deal with seafarers struggling with medical conditions during

IATA and ICS call on governments to designate crew change airports

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) are jointly calling on governments to take urgent measures to facilitate crew change flights for seafarers. Each month about