Golden Ray salvage ops move ahead

With the giant twin-gantry, twin-barge catamaran VB-10,000 now on-site in St. Simons Sound, Ga., responders have been taking the final preparatory steps needed as it starts cutting into the capsized car carrier

Golden Ray salvage gets back on track

Efforts to remove the wreck of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray from St. Simons Sound, Ga., look to be getting back on track. On October 7, the Unified Command working on

Golden Ray salvage operations ramp up

The St. Simons Sound Incident Unified Command working on the salvage of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray has been ramping up operations inside the Environmental Protection Barrier (EPB) protecting the wreck.

Golden Ray wreck on its side

Coast Guard to hold public hearing on Golden Ray capsizing

The U.S. Coast Guard, National Transportation Safety Board, Republic of Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator, and the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal are scheduled to conduct a formal public hearing to consider evidence related

Golden Ray wreck on its side

Golden Ray response operations resume

The St. Simons Sound Incident Unified Command working on the salvage of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray has resumed operations after the passage of Hurricane Isaias. The response has since placed

VIDEO: COVID-19, hurricane concerns force pause in Golden Ray removal ops

The St. Simons Sound Incident Unified Command working on the salvage of the capsized car carrier Golden Ray announced a pause in removal operations during an online media conference June 24. The

VIDEO: Giant heavy lift vessel preps for Golden Ray removal

The largest heavy lift vessel ever built in the U.S., the twin-gantry, twin-barge catamaran VB-10,000, designed and owned by Versabar Inc., New Orleans, has arrived in the Port of Fernandina, Fla., to

Guilty plea in oily bilge

Wepfer Marine reaches settlement with family of two who died in towboat sinking

Local media report that Wepfer Marine has reached a settlement with surviving family members of two men who died in the December 2017 capsizing and sinking of the 1976-built towboat Ricky Robinson.

Lightering of fuel from Golden Ray completed

Another milestone has been reached in the ongoing efforts to remove the capsized car carrier Golden Ray, which has remained resting on its side in St. Stephen’s Sound. Georgia, since September 8.

NTSB reports on capsizing of dredge WB Wood

NTSB: Poor maintenance led to towboat capsize

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has issued the report of its investigation of the October 9, 2018 capsizing of a 39 year old towboat at mile 142 on the Lower Mississippi