USNS Comfort is next headed to Alabama Shipyard

VIDEO: McAllister Towing docks the USNS Comfort in NYC

The hospital ship USNS Comfort is now berthed at the Manhattan cruise terminal. Her arrival was hailed by Mayor Bill de Blasio as “something absolutely extraordinary, absolutely inspiring.” “This ship arriving is

Donjon starts dredging NYC cruise berth to take USNS Comfort

Donjon Marine Co., Inc., Hillside, N.J., is expediting dredging operations at Manhattan Cruise Terminal to make way for the U.S. Navy’s hospital ship USNS Comfort. The USNS Comfort has received orders from

VIDEO: Navy to deploy hospital ship Mercy to Los Angeles

In a matter of days, the Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy will sail from San Diego and dock in the Port of Los Angeles to help lift the burden from local medical

USNS Comfort provides much-needed medical care to Puerto Rico

OCTOBER 11, 2017—With its electrical grid wiped out by Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico will have to rely on generators to produce power for its homes, businesses, nursing homes, and hospitals for months.