Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro with Korean shipbuilders

SECNAV urges Korean shipbuilders to invest in U.S. shipyards

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro has been meeting with top South Korean shipbuilding executives and making the case for them to create American subsidiaries and invest in integrated U.S. commercial

Philly Shipyard is rumored to be a Hanwha Ocean takeover target

Is Philly Shipyard a Hanwha takeover target?

Back in July, Korean shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean was reportedly among the suitors in a rumored bid to acquire Austal. As we reported at that time, Austal said: “Austal is regularly involved in

Austal LimitedT-AGOS vessel rendering

Is Austal a take-over target?

Back on June 6, Australian shipbuilder Austal Limited, which is, of course, the parent of Mobile, Ala., based Austal USA, published a stock exchange announcement saying: “Austal Limited (Austal) (ASX: ASB) refers