Halter Marine delivered the previous ship in the T-AGS series, USNS Maury (T-AGS 66) in 2016.

Halter Marine gets T-AGS 67 contract

Halter Marine, Pascagoula, Miss, has been awarded a $149,053,160 fixed-price-incentive (firm target) modification to definitize contract number N00024-19-C-2208 for the detail design and construction of one oceanographic survey ship (T-AGS 67). The

U.S. ports see silver linings despite pandemic

Port NOLA Sees Downtime Improvements While there is no doubt that COVID-19 has shuttered cruising operations around the world, the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) Market Manager Jessica Ragusa says that

Halter Marine invests in customized robotic welding solutions

Halter Marine continues to make upgrades in preparation for construction of the Coast Guard’s Polar Security Cutter (PSC). Today, Danish robotic welding specialist Inrotech reported that it had received an order from

First U.S. LNG bunkering ATB ready for operations

Q-LNG Transport and Shell Trading (US) Company report that the first offshore liquified natural gas bunkering articulated tug and barge in the United States, the Q-LNG 4000 is now ready for operations.

Halter Marine upgrades launch way for Polar Security Cutter

With the Coast Guard’s Polar Security Cutter (PSC) rapidly progressing through the detailed design phase, shipbuilder Halter Marine is actively preparing for its construction. In July 2021, Halter Marine will complete upgrades

Halter Marine teams with Gibbs & Cox on LUSV

Pascagoula, Miss., shipbuilder Halter Marine is teaming with Gibbs & Cox Inc., on a U.S. Navy contract to perform design studies for the development of the Large Unmanned Surface Vessel (LUSV). The

Q-LNG ATB completes sea trials

Quality Liquefied Natural Gas Transport (Q-LNG) reports that its LNG bunkering ATB built at Halter Marine has now successfully completed sea trials and is headed Elba Island, Ga., to load gas and

Halter Marine unveils PythonX plasma cutter

Preparing for construction of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Polar Security Cutter, Pascagoula, Miss., shipbuilder Halter Marine is acquiring new technologies that include robotic welding machines and a Lincoln Electric PythonX plasma cutter.

Halter Marine partners with community college to launch apprenticeship program

Pascagoula, Miss., shipbuilder Halter Marine is creating jobs and, through its partnership with Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC), training the apprentices to fill them. The program launched with a recent apprenticeship

Halter Marine awarded T-AGOS (X) study contract

Halter Marine Inc. has been awarded the contract for industrial studies for the auxiliary general ocean surveillance ship (T-AGOS(X)) program. The U.S. Navy awarded the $981,000 contract for the T-AGOS class series