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ICS: New guidance on maritime security

Shipping continues to face threats such as piracy, kidnapping and terrorism. Ship operators need to stay alert to security risks and recognize that threats are continually evolving and demand constant vigilance. To

Five UN agencies call for seafarer vaccine prioritization

The heads of five UN organizations have called for maritime and air transport workers to be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination, given their key role in supporting global trade and mobility, which is

Crew vaccination requirements threaten “perfect storm” for shipping

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is warning that lack of access to COVID-19 vaccinations for seafarers is placing shipping in a legal minefield and leaving global supply chains vulnerable. Reports that

Crew change crisis could rebound

New variants of COVID-19 have brought stricter border control and travel restrictions that threaten to sharply increase the number of seafarers affected by the crew change crisis. The International Chamber of Shipping