Law firm HFW acts on the sale of near half Swiss commercial fleet

Written by Nick Blenkey
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Eight separate vessel sales by Geneva-headquartered Massoel Shipping SA represented almost 40% of all Swiss-flagged commercial maritime vessels, according to London-headquartered law firm HFW (Holman Fenwick Willan LLP), which advised Massoel on the sales.

The firm also provided completion services on each of the transactions, assisting Massoel and the purchasers with closing and the holding of deposit and balance.

HFW’s team comprised Olivier Bazin, Michael Buisset, Patrick Myers, Emma Bud, Francis Walters and Johanna Ohlman, of the firm’s Geneva office.

Olivier Bazin, Geneva Office Head, HFW, said:
“We are delighted to have supported Massoel Shipping with these strategic transactions. A number of the closings took place in the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, which required us to solve a number of logistical and legal issues with port lockdowns, restrictions on underwater inspections and crew changes, and of course virtual closing meetings. HFW looks forward to supporting the Swiss maritime fleet in its next phase of development.”

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